Welcome to The Law Offices of Paul Y. Lee

You are not alone in the bankruptcy process. Let us serve as your guide, helping you secure maximum debt relief through whichever type of bankruptcy is best suited to your specific case. Contact us today to get started.

If you’re overwhelmed financially this 4th of july, find relief in that our great country offers bankruptcy protection to help families across this great nation rebuild their lives and their financial independence.

  • The historical justification of a bankruptcy and financial fresh start have long been embraced by our culture, laws and even our Constitution. “The Congress shall have Power… to establish… uniform Laws on the subject of Bankruptcies throughout the United States”.  Despite this constitutional protection, creditors attack those in debt with negative campaigns, by attacking their integrity, morals or character.  The intent of the bankruptcy protection couldn’t be farther from the truth.  Bankruptcy laws provide the necessary protection so people can finally regain their status, repay their debts and rebuild their lives.  It provides help so that consumers, whether business or individuals, can stop their debts from spiraling out of control
  • While banks and other creditors have lobbied to make bankruptcy more difficult over the years, Chapter 7 Bankruptcy and Chapter 13 Bankruptcy continue to provide the necessary relief for most people, albeit more difficult. The income requirements periodically change, certifications are now required, you must pass means test in a consumer case… The list goes on but our Riverside Bankruptcy Attorney specializes in helping people qualify for both Chapter 7 Bankruptcies and Chapter 13 Bankruptcies.  Whether you are unemployed or even a high income earner, bankruptcy may be necessary to support your family, pay your bills and offer you a fresh start. Rebuilding your financial independence is crucial to your family and is constitutionally protected.
  • We are the fresh-start nation of the world. This July 4th, we’re reminded of the poem at the base of the Statute of Liberty:Give me your tired, your poor,
    Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
    The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
    Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
    I lift my lamp beside the golden door!Emma Lazarus, 1883

    Call us today to discuss your options. 951-389-4070